Thursday, September 1, 2016

Andrew Norton Webber and the Distilled Waters Cult

This text is to accompany the video of phone call audio here:

1. Phone call transcript of call received by Andrew Norton Webber on June 7, 2016

2. First brief post made by Donny Diagle in Distilled Waters group on July 18, 2016

3. Second long post made by Donny Diagle in Distilled Waters group on July 18, 2016

4. Follow up (after 3 days of the previous post) announcement that it was a psyop "experiment" performed on the group to expose "flat-earthers" (which backfired and is now exposing them)
Updated: I also include our email communications at the end because its related to this and reveals that Andrew continues to LIE after I called him out on it and know very well that him and Donny have communicated on this as he even referred to "those of us who are going to come out against it" in his first phone call.

1. Transcript of phone call received by Andrew Norton Webber on June 7, 2016
"My heart's pounding hard Cole. I miss you, I'm scared of you, I'm afraid for what you're doing and I'm afraid this may be the last time I ever talk to you, it's up to you.
Tell me, does a person that's dying from Cancer give a shit what shape the earth is in?
Does a person with snake venom running through his veins give a shit what shape the earth's in?
Now I asked you out here Cole, and I, I, I trusted you and I told you a lot of things in private and I warned you what was going on with Dave Murphy, and you can't imagine the disappointment I felt when you and Changa went flat on me after you left here. You can't imagine how many people you've hurt. I've had conversation with friends of yours who are sadly disappointed in you and in dismay, disarray and their hearts are torn and because they looked up to you and because of your distilled waters leadership, they started questioning their own literal urine therapy practices.
Do you and I agree that we are all being murdered and we need to save the universe?
If you put the two topics as the true waters knowledge and the true shape of the earth knowledge. The only thing you can put in a category that gives you the true shape of the earth knowledge is the shape of the earth.
But underneath the true waters knowledge is the cure for cancer for pain autism, for diseases for on and on and on it unfreezes the PENAL gland, for uh…
Which for one thing, if you truly were interested on the shape of the earth, one of these two subjects will actually allow you to have the ability to know the true shape of the earth. and the true waters knowledge will enable you if you BELIEVE it and if you astral project or bio-locate and actually go to the side of the earth and see what shape it is.
But the true shape of the earth knowledge will never tell you the true waters knowledge, it will never give you the benefits under that column.
Your mother is dismayed with you. Your mother is saddened and exasperated with you. Your loosing friends and family over a subject that has no value besides its own answer.
uh, I, I, you, you, I don't know whether your an agent or not now. Either way until you change your ways, if you keep going the way you are, intentional or not, your an agent of deception right now, meaning you facilitate deception. Intentional or not, thats where you are right now, and I flat out believe that Dave Murphy is an intentional agent of deception - its guilt by association [Hm, seems we read these words before in Donny's FE post which he denies any association with]…
Its hard a-fucking-nuff to talk about urine therapy with all the sciencey bullshit against it with also have a flat earth head on your head.
I've been sitting here for months going what the fuck are these people doing? I thought we had a conference to discuss whats fucking important…
so, I'm praying to God that your actually a real person and not intentionally, I think, what you've done, what you made me thinks is did I just have an intentional CIA mind control agent over my house. That's why I have to wonder, this is so fucking dumb and… what's really important?
In my opinion, your caught up in a CIA psyop, you've been fooled and I forgive you if your fooled, If your doing this on purpose, I fucking, I won't ever talk to you again, but this is a last ditch attempt for me because I already spent energy on you, I already trusted you, I had you out to my house and I thought I laid it out for you how important all this is what we are up against, and I hope I can talk you out of it, I hope I can get you to publicly tell people your sorry for doing it, sorry for getting caught up, please forgive me, and I'm going to stop this fucking bullshit and I'm going to start being a truth crusader, start going back on distilled waters. There were so many people, Cole, that loved following my videos, and you left here and I told you guys, please start making videos, and and, what do you andChanga start doing, you start making videos about fucking flat earth. Hahaha, what the fuck? Oh my god, and yeah…
[I mumble some more things about being on the fence and skeptical of flat earth because I know there's more than meets the eyes]
I'll talk to you about the fence, it doesn't matter about the fence, I'll even give you this type of example, what if right now I had a space ship I came over to pick you up and we went out and saw the earth from the side, lets say that you and I went and and on our own, and we're sitting side by side and lets say we have a cup of coffee and a joint so we know we're fucking sane, we look at the entirety of the earth and we see that its actually flat.
Cole, you understand that I edit my work, I edit what comes out of my mouth, because I know that the masses of people we care about are under a massive hypnosis, we gotta be careful, we gotta be careful. Even if I went out and say that you were right, I still wouldn't talk about it, I would never talk about it because its not important.
What is important is giving them a piece of knowledge that allows them to access all other knowledge. Your loosing friends and family, you can't believe the people who literally, because you were a leader, you fucked some people over, you've made some people question because your a urine drinking flat earthier, you muddled those two together, thats what Dave Moore is intentionally doing. You remember about 2 weeks ago he was literally talking about how he has an upcoming TV interview and he put a post on Facebook asking people for tips on how he could throw in a flat earth line at the end of it. - [9 minutes] My worst fucking nightmare come true. That's exactly what I warned you guys about Dave Murphy. You can't imagine Cole, how much I regret doing that interview with him. Then not only did I do that interview with him, and I got my face on picture side by side with him, but I mentioned his fucking name so many times in almost every interview after that. You can not believe how much I regret it, and he's doing it on purpose.
[I'm mumbling on some more "tail tucking" pathetic bullshit, I'm not happy with my response in this…]
There's always reversal, Cole.
Its their attempt to make truthers… truthers, conspiracy theorists, they are already labeled tin-foil hat wearers. Any general person of the average view like my older brother Eric, he still things I'm absolutely crazy and he's very conventional person, usually I call it collegeitis [not sure what he's saying] I can see my brother at some family reunion saying "I remember thinking, Ha ha, I bet Andrew thinks the earth is flat too". I'm just waiting for that to come out, because thats what that association, their just lumping it all together. Um, so yeah, ah yeah, I believe its a very intentional, and look at all the people that jumped on it, Santos Bonacci,  that evil pig fucker…
[I interrupted again with mumble jumbo]
[12:20 time stamp]
If anything, Cole, this can be turned around and be, you can use what you've done as a sling shot and actually help out those of us who are going to come out against it.
You're already in deep with everybody if you do a turn around and apologize, and say look I'm really sorry for doing all that, I'm gonna take the water knowledge [inaudible few words] you'll have all kinds of people, and I don't know who's an agent or intentional or not, you know, I'm so fucking baffled at Changa Charanga, she's either the dumbest fucking gullible fuck, and somebody talked to Dave Murphy, she, I think its her, she, something real dumb and gullible about her. Its either that or she's super evil and super mind-controlled slave, cause how can you come here and be such a lovely person and talk about all this stuff and understand all this stuff and told us up and down about Dave Murphy, then she's right up his fucking ass, promoting him and laughing at him, I think Jack Catran fucking…
If Changa's that gullible and like you got fooled, I think Jack Catran visiting Changa, I think he fucking got a hold of her cause they spent time together when he was traveling through there.
I got an evil vibe from Jack Catran, that recent video he posted about getting ready to do a 30 day fast while he's smoking a cigarette///.. he's just a fucking fool, these flat-earthers they have a real demon, violent fucking angry stance they way they argue with people, they're really nasty, really rude…
So, your going to get that when you come out against it. I'm going to give you a tip, don't engage in conversation, don't let anybody try to start arguing the specifics of it. Thats why I put in a chart with the true shape of the earth and the true water knowledge, we're not even going to discuss what the shape of the earth is, we just call it whatever it is, its the shape of the earth knowledge. But, don't, there will be all types of people trying to draw you back into it, just say NO, no no, [inaudible].. I don't know who's an intentional agent or not but its time to fucking disassociate from those who are spreading knowledge about the fake flat earth shit.
The obvious thing to do is come out and say im sorry I got caught up in the flat psychological, the psyop..
Not a single one of those has actually been standing off to the side of the earth.
People are losing friends and family over this. Trying to save them and putting time into spreading the water knowledge, which kills pain, erases misery, if you spend time exasperating your mother with the water knowledge it would actually be worth it.
Take a look at Dave Murphy, look what he did, look at the piece of shit book he put out, he put it together in like 8 months, copied my shit and that other woman's shit, its all just quotes from her shit, he just did it so he could be a urine therapy author, you notice he's the only person in the distilled waters group who comes in there and takes people out. Every time he engages with someone, what does he do, says, send me a private message and I will write you a plan. You notice Dave Murphy doing that, you know what he does then, none of us get to see the supposed benefits of the plan. The whole reason for the group is for everybody to be able share their recovery and all Dave Murphy does in come in there fishing. And I think he's fishing for testimonials to build up on his Dave Murphy good guy roster, which he can't seem to print enough of in his book, there are all these Dave Murphy testimonials. He's just doing that to get himself urine therapy distilled waters badge of honor to couple that with the fucktard flat earth shit, to make the whole movement, to make us look bad.
And look whats happened to all the people [I think he said, "so many people I think as Nazi") Santos Bonacci, Kate of Gaia, Gregg Prescott, how many fucking times have I mentioned that guys name, and he turned on us too, he started saying distilled water made his hair turn grey, after he himself posted that distilled waters made his hair turn blonde. Somebody got to him. I see this pattern, Cole, of people that I associate with becoming fuck-ups afterwards, they either, I don't know what happens, maybe their agents before or starts hanging with them or they get co-opted afterwards.
I've been devastated ever since you guys left here, and its been an private joke that you guys went flat on us. I was like woah, I thought we talked about what was important.
And I thought about making this phone call for months, Cole, but I had to decide if I want to waste my time on agents. Do I expose to Cole, if he truly is an agent, that I know what he's up to,…. and I didn't want Dave Murphy to know that I was suspicious of him. And soon right after you guys left here, he wrote me a letter saying "hey Andrew, I heard we had a falling out."
And that could have only come from this private meeting, I'm assuming its Changa, she's up his ass all the time. And then just two weeks ago, Dave Murphy made a sly comment to Donny "lets just say some of your conversations have gotten back to me, sir."
Fucking Dave Murphy likes to use the word "sir" when he's being sarcastic. He treated Donny like shit and said, I'll say it again, "lets just say that some of your conversation has gotten back to me, sir"…
So fucking dumb ass Changa must have, i don't know, she's either a fucking agent or…
I'm calling because I miss you and I really wanted your friendship and I was hoping you would be the person you are right now when I called, so I'm very happy about that [yeah right of course, I'm a pathetic pansy bending to your conversation, not being myself!!!!]]]
That's why I invited you out here in the first place, I thought your heart was in the right place.
Uh, but, this can actually be a good thing, it can actually be a good thing, Cole, that you were one of the ones that was the most deep into it, and to pull back out.. believe me, Cole, there's going to be a hero's journey, waiting on you… Going to be a lot of people going oh fucking thank god, Cole, so glad to have you back, da da dadada...
Take a look at what happened to me, notice how I pulled back on my interviews and notice how I don't engage with assholes.
When you do make, if you do decide to make a statement be prepared to ignore the people who want to pull you back into it. just ignore them.
Do more Cole orin therapy videos, teach people about bandages and compresses and you know, keep doing that.
[he continues to go on spreading more butter on my ego and praising me and telling me how people think I'm so wonderful when I make urine therapy videos with love and joy - but nobody likes flat earth videos ??? thats why Eric Dubay's 200 Proofs video has over 1.5 million views in 8 months?]
The thing is not the Facebook group, the thing is the knowledge, putting YouTube videos out there goes way beyond the Facebook group. Continue to focus on speaking to the whole world. The Facebook group is a little community of people that you can kind of get to know, but really keeping those videos going is going to people that don't know you or the truth. [? I think he said "you"...]
You need to apologize to your mother, make her feel better.
I'm gonna go cause I know we spent a lot on your phone.
Feel free to call me back later tonight, tomorrow, the next few days, if you have any thoughts you want to talk about this, you feel bad, call me back so we can talk about it.
If you want to run anything by me or any ideas you have, there's a whole bunch of us that are working on trying to root out this problem
Don't be harsh on yourself at all, we're in a fucktard world, psychopathic fucking insane asylum, OK, so don't be harsh on yourself at all"
2. Short post made by Donny Diagle in Distilled Waters group on July 17, 2016 (this is the Monday that Donny was referring to in his call to me on June 20, 2016:
Donny Daigle
July 18 at 3:03pm
Due to the severe idiocy and discrediting nature of the Flat Earth PsyOp, anyone who continues to publicly promote this agenda will be removed from the group within one week.
This dark, psychological operation is an attempt to discredit those who broadcast real truths via the method of associating them with morons.
This is known as ‘guilt by association’ and the Distilled Waters group will no longer leave itself vulnerable.

3. Second long post made by Donny Diagle in Distilled Waters group June 17, 2016:

Donny Daigle
July 18 at 3:09pm
Hi Friends.
There's something off-topic we need to talk about.
It's a serious problem that needs to be addressed & dealt with once & for all, rather than silently hoping it will go away.
I've ignored it for the past 12 months, and not only has it Not gone away, it has in fact only gotten worse.
I can no longer sit idly by and watch it spread like an infection.
Our awesome group stands up to nonsense, lies, deceit, and distraction.
We put a stop to agents of deception, trolls, and troublemakers of all kinds.
This Water Knowledge empowers us to see right through those who spread propaganda, and so, we do not allow such foolishness upon our page.
The Distilled Waters group is an island oasis --- a place of solace & peace, friendship & trust.
Many of us know that our real-life friends & family, neighbors & co-workers would never understand & accept us and our practices (UT especially!).
So that's why we spend time in groups like this, with great people who accept us & who get us --- people we feel we can trust.
The last thing we need is to have this group infiltrated by others who are only looking to cause trouble & stir up drama.
Life is hard enough as it is --- we don't need any more of that useless nonsense here.
Unfortunately, we routinely come under attack.
Through vigilance, we have maintained a strong defense system & fought off most of these advances into & upon our group.
For example, earlier this year, the DWs group was flooded by trolls.
They penetrated our ranks, started arguments with group members, harassed people, and caused all-around mayhem & rampant discord.
So to protect this group from those masters of chaos,
I turned the DWs group into a "Secret Group," and I routed out & removed over 500 of the troublemakers.
It took several weeks of my free time, but I got the job done, and our group is better off for it.
Now... It appears that we have a new invasion taking place --- only, this one is more subtle & sinister.
It's a viral infection of the mind, and it is spreading amongst members who are already in this group.
It is afflicting the hearts & minds of people we know, friends we care about --- who we thought we could trust.
This mind virus has been turning friend against friend...
...forging division between people & splitting up groups
...spurring vehement arguments between friends, making new enemies
...and just wasting everybody's time.
This is an intentional social experiment, created & propagated by "The Powers That Be," and its goal is to make a mess of things for everyone.
It is a PsyOp (or "psychological operation") designed to strike up chaos among the good folks of the truth movement, alternative health & healing movement, and any community of people who don't subscribe to the normal mainstream view of reality (politics, doctors/hospitals, consumerism, etc.).
This new infestation of decepticons want us distracted, stressed out, disorganized, wasting our time, & fighting with each other...
...disempowering us by "Divide & Conquer"
...wasting our time on a wild goose chase
...and making us look foolish & idiotic for believing their silly fairytales & outright lies.
That's how these agents of deception get their jollies. They love it.
This psyop also works by "Association" (e.g. - People who practice DW & UT will be assumed to be "Flat Earthers" or at least within the same level of foolishness & gullibility, and then summarily dismissed by anyone with conventional views.)
The three methods of this psyop are:
1) - "Divide & Conquer"
2) - "Guilt by Association"
3) - "Wasting time, energy, & resources"
I have seen enough of this nonsense already.
I will stay silent no more.
I have seen far too many of my own personal friends fall prey to this trickery & deception.
Too many good people have been hoodwinked & fallen victim to the lies.
And I certainly cannot have it penetrating & overtaking this group.
It has got to come to an end.
But I cannot do this alone --- I need your help.
Will you take a stand with me?
Do you have the integrity to stick up for the truth?
Are you willing to defend the things that really make a positive change in this world?
If so, then stand by my side!
Hold high your mighty sword of truth!
Don your armor of wisdom!
And together we will vanquish this creature lurking in the shadows!
Let your inner light shine bright like a thousand suns to beat back the darkness as it encroaches into our world.
This group has already set the precedent for ejecting agents of deception.
We already remove individuals who actively promote: salt ... mineral spring water ... Kangen water (alkaline/ionized) ... useless & harmful inorganic mineral supplements ... and other erroneous propaganda.
And we have always done our utmost to protect this group from those who would seek to create conflict & chaos within our own ranks -- "agents provocateurs" -- trying to stir up drama & division between us.
So now we can add to that list those individuals who are attempting to spread this latest hoax about the Earth being flat.
We must band together and raise our consciousness above this virus infecting the minds of our fellow humans & our Earth family.
If we don't do something about it now, then it will only continue to tear us apart, eating away at our ranks from the inside --- like any other virus would do.
We are giving one-week notice as of the date on this post.
Anyone who continues to promote the Flat Earth PsyOp by one week's time will be permanently removed from this group
4. Follow up post made by Donny Diagle on June 19, 2016, about 3 days after the initial post, which of course was deleted:
Wow. This has really gotten out of hand.
I am saddened & disappointed by everyone's behavior here.
Just take a moment to look at how you are all treating each other.
It's a disgrace.
This is like watching an episode of Jerry Springer.
Dirty, low-down, no-good, rotten, stinkin' foul-mouthed disrespect towards one another.
Is this what you want?
To clarify a few misconceptions -- Yes, there actually have been FE posts & comments popping up in this group, and with increasing frequency.
I have simply been deleting them without saying anything to anyone about it because I didn't want to add any energy or attention to this occurrence.
This post was my reaction to "the last straw," where I decided that something had to be done to stem the increasing leakage of FE influence into & upon this group.
And I'm referring not only to pro-FE posts & comments...
but also to anti-FE posts & comments.
I don't want to see either one here.
You got that?
So then there's the overblown fear that I'll be removing everyone who has ever uttered the words "Flat Earth" -- here or anywhere.
That is not what I wrote in my post.
Should you be worried about being removed...?
I dunno...
Are you an Agent?
Is it your intention to deceive & distract?
Are you a Promoter of the FE agenda for fame & personal gain?
Is your goal to create conflict & chaos and to stir up drama & division within this group?
Then you should have nothing to worry about.
But behave yourself --- for all of this rudeness & name-calling will not be tolerated here.
If you recall from my post, I wrote the "vehemently-defended belief that the Earth is flat" is what the is issue here.
You are free believe the Earth is flat all you want -- I don't care.
But it's the aggression & hostility that is taken to issue.
And many of you here are displaying exactly that kind of divisive & disruptive behavior.
Those of you who have been rude, disrespectful, engaging in heated arguments ... you have been warned.
I don't want to name names & point fingers, so... just know that I will not allow any further violations.
I still expect you all to abide by the Group Guidelines, even here on this post.
Anyone who continues to pursue an aggressive, hostile agenda past this point will be subject to the consequences of his or her actions.
In the end, when the dust settles, I think many of you will be surprised to see that you're still here next week.
And that will be the last I want to hear about FE in this group ever again.

HERE is my email to Andrew and his response. Note that I specifically said I know that him and Donny have been in communications over this, but that is the VERY thing he thought it important to deny...
This my email to him on July 26, 2016
It's loud and clear but only those with the ears to hear can hear it...
This is a sad moment (with some bitter sweet too) ---
It seems I have missed your call twice now, things are quite busy these days, but Yeah this is not going to work right now. After seeing the behavior of you and Donny, I don't trust you guys to be honest and truthful (ironically the meaning of the phrase "on the level" is honest, truthful)...
You're cursing and the lies you told me on that first phone call and your not calling me back to apologize for terrorizing me and Monica left a real bad impression...
"Distraught" - how dare you try to use my mother to manipulate me - little do you know she is seriously looking at this because it is in the Bible!!! And it makes sense to those who step back from the programming for a min and "research" the topic that NASA is a lying theiving government organization that gives us only CGI fakery...
And if you did the slightest bit of research or check in with your "friends" who are sharing the idea (instead of cursing them out for daring to question and making demands that they publicly come out against it??? (You gotta be smoking Crack with that THC) maybe you could have saved this embarrassment on you and Donny. Did you forget who you were talking to? I'm not some Fox News watching carcass eating fat ass. I'm practicing this message quite well and it's opening my senses like never before!!! I thought for sure after you apologized to Monica you'd be calling me up unless all that was just a lie to try to get Monica on your side - of course I can't know for sure but that's what I was thinking - fake) I can usually feel a lie and I know damn good and well that Donny did not act on this alone... the group is all about and dedicated to your research, so go ahead try to deny it, I'm not buying...
In this whole Fiasco I've seen lies on top of lies to save face after I dropped the religious card, Donny scrambled for the duck tape to "patch it up"...
Honestly you and Donny have displayed the very tactics you so vehemently fight against - that of an "agent"... You guys have also displayed manipulation tactics using lies and half-truths and outright misinformation to sell your propaganda.
What happened to you? Why did you really drop off the scene and pull out of the UT conference? (this has been a burning question in my mind for quite some time and I've seen other people ask)
So needless to say I'm very disappointed in your behavior in this, and I don't really want to talk to you. Your first phone call to me was very traumatizing, and I felt like I was hypnotized by your rant that I coward away from expressing how I really felt... I'm disappointed in myself as well for not remaining in my own power during that call. Maybe all this could have been avoided if I did speak up to you on the phone that day... You were mind fucking me and I allowed it...
This will take time to heal, and it may leave a scar. But I'm not going to hate on you cause that would only hurt me, I love you with all my heart and give you infinite gratitude for sharing the message when you did, it's changed my life profoundly and has set me on this Journey of loving myself more fully and being able to explore things like this without being attached to them.
I hope that you yourself can find your own message and DO IT - and stop hating on the world and everybody in it!!! Not everybody's a goddamn "agent" - paranoia will destroy ya, only love with healthy boundaries will protect you.
What you think you see with your eyes is actually that which you are projecting. Consciousness shoots out of your eyes when you focus on something. You are creating the scene that you wish to see by the very Act of looking to see it...
As long as you're running scared or resisting the "devil" he will keep you trapped on the hamster wheel/ball spinning around and around in circles of language and mental running... but "God" has provided a firm foundation so that we can always find our BALANCE in the now on the motionless plane here "on the level" (current research on this word level is very interesting).
Focus on loving yourself and CLEANING your body of the slimy snakes of "sin" that control our minds and everything will work itself out. There's also been good things that came out of this. I've gained a deeper understanding of many things including the very code and structure of our language, new friends have been made etc. And for the first time in a while I feel uncensored and free to explore any questions that I I'm interested in or deem worthy of my time.
So I end this harsh message expressing a few of my thoughts that would be most difficult to express in person or on the phone...
I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you...
Here is Andrew's response the next day, and his patronizing and lie is absurd:
I love you too, Cole. I will never forget your warm presence and the nice
times we had together. I don't know what else to tell you about Donny.
He has from day one been in control of that group, he started it on his
own and dedicated it to my work, that was HIS decision. And it was also
purely his decision and idea to play the 'hold up a mirror' experiment in
the group. I couldn't if I wanted to, and don't, control him.
Thank you for being open with me about the religious aspect of your
current studies, it helps me to understand. Thank you for your heartfelt
advice to get back on track and 'find my message and DO IT', I will try
my best to heed that, I promise you, Cole.
You, Chey and Monica are some of the kindest, most genuine people I know.
I wish only the best for all of you.
your friend,